4 min readJul 7, 2022

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We are super excited to announce that Chirpley is the next project to be listed on FantomStarter! All information pertaining to the project and upcoming IDO can be found in these guidelines as well as our top 3 reasons we are excited about this project!

IDO Pool Overview

Token details

  • Project’s Token Ticker: $CHRP
  • Payment Accepted: BUSD
  • Chain: BNB Chain
  • Contract address: 0xeD00Fc7D48B57B81FE65D1cE71c0985e4CF442CB

Public Round

  • Funding cap: $100,000 BUSD
  • Token Price: $ 0.021
  • Tokens Available for Sale: 4,761,904 tokens

Complete Vesting Period per round

  • Public: 15% at TGE, then linear for 6 months

Important Dates for Public Funding Pool:

Stake your FS Key (NFT) or FS tokens to whitelist in the project IDO. Winners of the lottery will be announced no more than 24 hours after the whitelist closes.

  • Whitelist ends: 31/08/22 15:00 UTC
  • Date open funding: 01/09/22 15:00 UTC
  • Date close funding: 07/09/22
  • Date claim tokens: 07/09/22

FCFS Funding Pool: NO

Introducing, Chirpley!

Chirpley is a cutting-edge influencer marketing platform for regular people with fewer followers. The platform has been developed with the aim of creating a decentralized organization that operates fully in the interest of its end users: the small influencer and marketer. Chirpley performs virtual mapping using Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning and Big data to easily provide opportunities to small/micro influencers and marketers by setting up campaigns with thousands of participants the same time in a matter of minutes.

What Chirpley is trying to solve

For the most part, running an influencer campaign is time consuming, stressful and inefficient. So is identifying, selecting and connecting with managing the ideal influencer. And since there was no current solution to bringing the masses together to operate as a single influencing-powerhouse, Chripley was born.

Most of the current influencer platforms are typically ‘traditional’ which means manual, time consuming hard work and long hours are needed just to get a campaign off the ground. Chirpley recognizes that nano and micro-influencers are the future of influencer marketing and a platform that promises to liberate small-scale influencers by enabling them to finally earn a piece of the influencer pie.. Which brings us to our top 3 reasons we are excited for this project!

Automation is king

Having a big idea is one thing, but actually executing it is a different beast. Chirpely’s intuitive design makes creating campaigns and interacting with platform users a breeze, which not only makes it super attractive for those creating campaigns but also for those getting paid! Everything is clearly laid out and with the push of a few buttons, campaigns can be executed and easily tracked from both perspectives.

Tokenomics, with substance

*Token name has since changed to $CHRP

Influencers on the platform get paid no matter what, but what is interesting is if you pay using the native $CHRP token, the ‘brand’ or campaign owner will receive a 50% discount on-platform fees. 20% of total on-platform revenue will be used to perform hourly buybacks on the market, then burned — lowering the total cap over time, making it a deflationary system and if that wasn’t enough, there is even passive rewards through staking!

Big tech, without compromise

Did you know that compared to mega-influencers, the engagement level of small influencers is 600% higher? Here’s where Chirpley’s Seamless Connect’ comes in. By creating precise matches between brands and small influencers using state of art AI & ML technology, Chirpley can provide campaigns with the absolute best group of influencers and can provide those influencers with the very best opportunities to get paid! This will bring everyone one step closer to true liberation i.e., Making enough money as an influencer or small marketer to cut loose and turn influencing into a real career!

Learn more about Chirpley

If you are new to FantomStarter, here are some resources to get your started.

  • Learn about the FantomStarter Tiers and NTF Keys here.
  • Only whitelisted addresses with KYC can participate in the Chirpley IDO. Complete KYC as soon as possible here.
  • Always connect to the FantomStarter app during the funding phase and when claiming your tokens on the FantomStarter app.
  • You can use bridges like this to move tokens to the BNB Chain.
  • If you still have questions please read our updated FAQ.

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