Testnet dApp goes Live ahead of Public Sale!

4 min readSep 10, 2021

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FantomStarter has hit a major milestone by releasing the very first public Testnet dApp version. That means anyone can preview the first features that the protocol will offer.

You need to have your wallet set up for Fantom Testnet in order to be able to connect. You need to add the following details on your wallet provider (eg. Metamask)

Network Name: Fantom testnet

New RPC Url: https://xapi.testnet.fantom.network/lachesis

Chain ID: 0xfa2

Currency Symbol: FTM

Block Explorer URL: https://testnet.ftmscan.com/

Open your Metamask wallet and click on the icon that says ‘Ethereum Mainnet’ on the middle top of your Metamask wallet

Your wallet should look like this, click on ‘Custom RPC’ (located at the bottom of the list).

Once you are on ‘Custom RPC’, fill in the details that are provided, click ‘save’.

And congrats! you’re ready to do the testing!

So what’s next?

Go to https://faucet.fantom.network/ to get your FTM Test tokens

Then Go to https://alpha.fantomstarter.io/

While connected, open the Faucet page from the top navigation bar to get a few Test FS tokens for staking


Buying FantomStarter Key NFTs. Once the transaction is complete and you get the Test FS tokens in your wallet, head to the Store page to see if your wallet got the tokens.

Your Test FS tokens balance is shown in the top right corner of the Store page.

Now, you are ready to test out Staking tokens for participating in the upcoming IDO pools or buying NFTs at a discount for investing in the shortlisted and vetted projects.

If you want to test most of the functions of the platform for this first version you can follow these steps:

Go to stake and stake a tier using Test FS tokens

2. Unstake tokens and eat the 10% penalty

3. Go to the store and buy a tier NFT

4. Go to stake and stake a tier using your shiny NFT ( you can only stake 1 NFT)

5. Go to unstake and show it’s locked

6. Finally, come tell us your feedback in our Telegram channel!

Note: if you stake NFT first, it means you can’t unstake and you will not be able to experience steps 1 & 2!

The social networking channels of FantomStarter are also open for community members to join and communicate with the team. These include Telegram (@FantomStarterChat, @FantomStarterAnnouncement), Twitter (@fantomstarter) and LinkedIn (@FantomStarter).

FantomStarter is a multi-chain investment protocol (IDO) platform, which helps projects raise funds through the Fantom Opera chain. Its cross-chain interoperability provides projects a choice of blockchains with operational support from the FantomStarter team across Fantom (FTM), Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Ethereum (ETH), Polygon (Matic), and many other EVM compatible networks.

Access to the FantomStarter ecosystem provides essential strategic industry knowledge to the project, which includes token security, marketing, branding, operational support, and access to a broad top-tier investor ecosystem.

Investors get access to curated and vetted projects on the FantomStarter platform supporting emerging ecosystems such as Fantom and Polygon, as well as established (but more expensive) networks such as Ethereum. Added benefits include voting for selected projects and listing them on FS launchpad through $FS Tokens or FS Keys (NFT), thus offering a truly decentralized experience to projects, as well as their investors.

Want to know more about us? join our community and say hello!

